But I woke up early this morning because I definitely had a blog worthy day with Ms. Guns And White Roses yesterday down at Sunny Pines Farm and I'm positive many Rose followers are looking forward to it.
I'm sure many remember Rose was originally a Christmas gift. It seemed back then, she was the Christmas gift that had gone horribly wrong. Now, several years later, with Christmas upon us once again, for me, Rose has "re-gifted" herself and I consider yesterday's visit, the greatest Christmas gift of all.
We arrived early as we usually do, "we" being the party of myself, Halie my daughter and Heather, a dear family friend. Sunny Pines was not yet quite awake. Rose now stays in the outside barn which I love for it's well ventilated (and having an old horse at home with heaves, I'm a stickler for fresh air all the time). It's been nearly three months since my last visit. It's hard to describe Rose's reaction when she knows it's me. It's nearly like a little chihuahua trying to explode out from underneath a horsey body. I held both my hands out to her and she inhales the smell of my each of my hands repeatedly then goes to my face and inhales the smell of my neck, then she goes back to the hands. You can just sense her filling with excitement, almost like the good cow horse, who love his job, eager to get into that arena and start cutting his cow.
One of the Sunny Pines interns let TBG know we we had arrived so the girls and I left Rose's stall and returned to the car. Every year I take Sunny Pines a Christmas gift basket filled to the rim with fresh baked cookies, pumpkin bread and enough candy and chocolate to feed the entire crew til the end of the year. We gave TBG the goodies and helped carry it into the office whereas we saw TBG's gift I presented to him last year hanging on the wall (you know I had to get a picture of that!)

I asked FG if he felt like riding Rose for me a little bit and he replied with a smug "sure" so as he went to get his boots I went to get the little white pony that could.
Brought her up to the big barn for TBG to saddle her up and then it was time to hit the arena!
TBG jogged her around a little, then loped her around both directions. It was a brisk morning and it was evident she was definitely feeling a little fresh!
So, TBG stops her in front of us and dismounts. "Oh boy" I was thinking in my head, "it's MY turn!". For those who don't know I have never been on this horse as of yet. I sucked in as much confidence as I could in one breath and walked toward the little white pony. FG adjusted my stirrups and instructed me to "climb up". I inhaled one more breath of confidence, stuck my foot in the stirrup and climbed aboard Rose for the first time ever.
The rush was so tremendous I thought I was going to pass out at first. All I could do is look between those two white ears and grin. My teeth could probably be seen by folks the next county over. "Alright" I thought to myself. "Let's see if I can drive this pony by myself!"
I've spent the past few years learning to do this, now was my moment. I pushed in the hip, leaned forward (remember, she is deaf so I certainly can't kiss to get her going) and she stepped off into the lope on the lead I asked for.
We loped circles to the left all the while I couldn't stop looking down. You're not supposed to look down. I know this. You're supposed to look where you're going and I know our circle was all over the place but I couldn't help myself. I couldn't stop looking down at the white mane, I couldn't stop looking at the white ears, I couldn't believe I was was actually loping around on this incredible animal. Halie (who was taking pictures for me) and Heather said I had the cheesiest grin on my face the whole time. Oh well. I wasn't there to look like Miss America.

So then I took her in the other direction for awhile, stopped in the middle and back to left. I felt her incredible power and I heard FG hollar "put your hand forward". . and I did. . and we went into 3rd gear. HOLY COW does this little horse have speed! OK, I really don't wanna go that fast just yet so as we hit the middle and I did the unthinkable and sat deep and took my legs off and we did a nice stop in the middle. I heard TBG say "very good" and then he followed that remark with "next time say WHOA". It took me a few minutes and I noticed Heather and Halie rolling with laughter behind TBG before I got it. OHHHH. Funny. Hardy Har Har. Say whoa to the deaf horse. Comedians.
We loped off again because I wanted to get a few more circles in and as I was coming towards the middle I noticed TBG walking into the middle of my circle. I thought he was coming in to give me a few pointers. It was then I saw that he wasn't coming in to give me direction. . . he was coming in to video me! I forgot all about driving and Rose felt this too for she broke gait big time. Oops. Distraction kills. It was funny though. All this time I made videos and pictures of TBG riding Rose he turned the tail on me. As long as he doesn't post it anywhere! :o)
I walked Rose toward TBG and dismounted. I felt like I was a five year old kid that had just stepped off the Peter Pan ride at Disney World. I had been flying and looking below at all the wonderful things.
It was an euphoria that last me all the way home..................UNTIL 30 minutes away from the house I noticed the blue lights behind me. I guess the officer didn't understand the kind of high I was on to of even kept my attention on the speedometer.
A horse person would have understood. ;o)